Saturday, December 4, 2010 favorite

It's December!!! Yay!! It means many things for me. I think it is my favorite month. Let's see...back in 1993, I found out in December that I was pregnant with my first born, Mr. Smarty Pants. In 1998, I had Girly Girl, the one and only girl still, between me and my two sisters. She is the only grand-daughter out of 8! In 2007, Little Man came along, and turned my world all topsy-turvy, but in a good way. Baby number 3 has put so many things into prospective for me. Life is precious. Life is short. People are important, not things. With his birth, came the introduction of the Ronald McDonald House. It was and is our Home Away from Home. Next weekend marks our 3rd year of going for our annual December weekend as House volunteer managers. When I am there, I go through many different emotions. Each year as Little Man gets older, I experience the House in a different way. I cannot wait to show him this year, the pictures on the wall of all the children the House has been there for. He is at the beginning age of understanding things, and so little by little I will show him how really special the "fun house", as he calls it, is!
Along with all of the memories of December's Past, I love all of the happenings in December too. Tomorrow night is the Community Christmas Program here in town, and once again, I am singing in the choir and playing the bell chimes. This year is special because Girly Girl has joined me. Standing beside my girl, singing Christmas songs is such a joy. There is, like I mentioned, our RMH visit, and then two birthdays,  two days apart, three days before Christmas! There are school plays, Christmas dinners and Secret Santa's galore. There is the fun of picking out our Christmas tree, digging through the ornaments and talking about where each one came from. Opening the mailbox each day brings great surprises too. Don't get me wrong, I love blogging and I love Facebook but I am so thankful for the Christmas card I can hold in my hands, put up for all to see in the living room, and save to look at in future years. Send them early to me though, because I am only 30 minutes from the North Pole!  wink wink. :)  So now I sit, picking out my Christmas cards. And thanks to some wonderful blogger friends, I have been made aware of a great deal for bloggers at SHUTTERFLY! Click here to go see what I am talking about. Hurry, because the deal ends on December 10.
I hope you are enjoying your December 2010 as well. I know I am. Even with big projects due in just a few days for school, I am feeling a peace about my life, and all that are in it and that I love so much! So Merry Early Christmas!


  1. Wow! That Shutterfly deal sounds great!! ;-)(Wink,wink) Who told you about that?

  2. "I am feeling a peace about my life, and all that are in it and that I love so much!"

    I'm happy you're feeling the deserve it, so bask in it girl!


I'm at Home, so stop and say Hi!


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