Friday, November 26, 2010

Trying To Catch UP!!!

Life has been so crazy lately. I wonder how many posts I have started like that?! And am I searching for an excuse as to why I haven't blogged in two weeks? Do I feel guilty? Do I get wrapped up in reading blogs, and then when it's my turn to post, I'm blogged out? yes, yes, and yes!! But here I am now, so that's what counts, right?!

Day after Thanksgiving. You are either busy today, shopping 'til you drop, and maybe like me, doing a little internet shopping and staying in ALL day. We woke up to see beautiful snow falling, and I had warm holiday fuzzies about it until Andy discovered when he took the dog out, that it was freezing rain. And he was about to get in his truck and go to work. Yuck. He made it though...sweet man called me when he got there, not because I asked him to, but because he knew I would be wondering. Love that man. Thanksgiving was ehh. It wasn't anyone's fault, I just did not enjoy spending my first Thanksgiving in 19 years, separated from Andy. He worked for 14 hours on the holiday, and is doing the same today and tomorrow. He said the day was uneventful, which in a house with boys that are there for some of the worst reasons in the world, "uneventful" is a good thing! The kids and I spent the afternoon at my mom and dad's. It was a great meal. I was in charge of the stuffing, squash, and a pie. This year I roasted butternut squash with three granny smith apples, and then with just a touch of brown sugar, I mashed them. Oh My Goodness. YUMMY! The pie I made is a Very Cherry Berry Pie. My favorite. I brought home the left overs! We watched the Patriots win, and that definitely left a feel-good feeling at the end of the day. It was a good day, but again, just not the same. I am soo thankful that Andy has both Christmas Eve AND Christmas Day off.

I am doing well in school. I am very busy, but doing well. I have some major projects coming up, and really, right now, that's what I should be working on. One is to put together a complete Thematic Unit Study for children. I have to pick the age group, between infants and 8 year-olds, and then pick my theme. I have a few ideas, but still have not picked my theme. It's due in 2 1/2 weeks! My other project is a portfolio of observation reports that I have been doing all semester. I have to create a fake child, and include in that child's portfolio all observations I did while he/she was in class. Shouldn't be too hard, just need to do it! My big project in my Communications class was last week, and I am so glad it is over! I am taking the class online, and had a required meeting where I had to give a conversation-style speech on an issue that is dear to my heart. I picked VASA PREVIA and along with talking about what it is, I also told LITTLE MAN'S MIRACLE STORY . For three years, I have prayed and searched for ways to share my story and also get the word out about this condition and how it can be prevented. (I hope you will take the time to click on my two links that I just included if you haven't before.) I was very nervous, but as I kept talking, it flowed from me, and at one point I looked around the room at the 15 strangers, and realized they were really listening to me! I left that class with such a new energized spring in my step. I can't wait for new ways to talk about it.

My "new" job is going well. It is still a challenge to get used to being gone each day, even if it is only for three hours. It is a very emotionally and mentally draining three hours with 7 second graders! I come home, eat lunch, and try to regroup while spending time with Little Man, and two nights a week I also have to go to class. I am excited about next semester...although I am still taking three classes, one is online, and the other are Wednesday afternoon and evening. So just one day. Yay.

So are you ready for Christmas?! I am getting there. I have just about finished Little Man. He is easy. We also are just about done with Mr. Smarty Pants. Speaking of Mr. SP, did I tell you he got his license?! I can't remember. We are very proud. Girly Girl is my hard one to shop for this year. Not sure why! She is so in between the little girl stuff and the pre-teen stuff! I can't tell you what I bought Andy, because from time to time, he reads my blog. :) The only thing I wanted for Christmas is for Mr. SP's room to be completed downstairs, and by golly, I think it's actually happening! Walls are up, sheet rock on. Next is taping and mudding and then the ceiling. We may have to wait until spring to paint, because of money. But he can still move down. I am excited. I have had the paint for Little Man's room for 2 years. :)

Well, I think I have updated you now. I can't believe I am up to 45 followers!!! So exciting!!! Thank you to the newcomers! Welcome!! I think sometime over the weekend I am going to change to a Christmas theme on my blog. Something RED. Maybe full of Santas!

Have a great weekend, eat all your left overs, shop 'til you can't shop no more, and please.....COME AGAIN!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you finally posted!!! You've been a busy girl! Love your new look. I saw this background and didn't like it, but WOW, it looks great once it's actually up.


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