Thursday, July 9, 2009

Country Livin'

Don't you love Family? Your little family, your big family, your funny family, your loving family? I just love my family. I love it when my husband and three kids are all home, safe in the nest. I love it when my parents, three sisters and all of the kids are together having fun. My nephews (I have no nieces on my side of the family)are like my own kids. When I am around them, it is so easy to care for them like mine. When in rare times, it is just me, my two sisters and my mom and dad, we talk about The Core. The five of us. I just love it.
This past Sunday we attended a big family reunion on my father's mother's side. This family is huge. We get together in the family town of Garland, ME. Don't blink when driving through, because if you do, you'll miss it! I lived there for the first five years of my life. I know I have heard lots of stories, but I do remember a lot too. It is, to me, a perfect little family country town. Roots. Mom met dad. Mom and dad married. Mom had baby girl #1, that's me. The following pics are taken this past Sunday at the reunion. I borrowed my nephews and we went for a walk with camera in tow.

Little Man loved "driving" the tractor that sat at the old family farm!

This swing was once in motion for hours...I can still feel the country air!

"J" really loved this little stream...he was in his own little world.

"E" was having fun on the fence! Look at the sky!

I absolutely love this picture...and so proud of myself for some not so bad photography! That's "I"...nephew #1.
Enjoy your surroundings today, and enjoy your family as well!


  1. The scenery is beautiful and I know you had a great time with your family. I have been as far north as Massachusetts but I have a secret desire to vacation in Maine one day. I also learned on tv the other night that Maine is one of the largest producers of sea salt. Great pictures!

  2. So sweet, I love doing family husband and I don't have a lot of extended family but we do a lot together as a family and have a lot of fun family traditions that I just love. Family is so important isn't it...


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