Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mostly Wordless Wednesday....

First four pics are of our Fourth of rained all morning, and then stopped just long enough to dry up the grass a little so we went out and played some bat mitten (did I spell that right? doesn't look right!). When the rain came, we went inside, and played some Wii sports! That's Jason, a good friend, skiing down the slopes! That was fun. We also were able to grill some yummy chicken before the rain. But no was pouring. :(

The next picture is the DiSH building our new shed out back with Mr. Smarty Pant's help. I can't wait for it to be DONE! When it is, I will do a post of before and after shots, along with why we are building a new one!

The next three are Little Man, again enjoying the great outdoors that is always on the other side of the window these rainy days! I cannot WAIT to take him outside every single day for at least the next four days, because the weatherman says it's going to be nice...F I N A L L Y Y Y Y Y Y!!!!!

And this is my rose bush in my front flower garden. It was a gift from two very special people 4 years ago. I was the class sponsor for 2 great kids that graduated from high school at our small christian school. They gave me this rose. It makes me think of them every summer. :) They just graduated from college! Yay!


  1. Can you send your little guy over my way? He looks like a really good helper! :-)

    Looks like you guys had a wonderful 4th regardless of not having fireworks. Man, not only did you play but it was productive too. I can't wait to see your shed once it's finished.

    Hugs ~ Sandy

  2. That's so sweet about the rose bush! I couldn't stand to be couped up like that but then again, I don't get out like I should when we have nice weather. And do y'all ever get to use the swimming pool? Everybody seems to love the Wii but we haven't bought one yet!

  3. Little Man's pics are always my favorite!


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