I'm pushing it, it's only Monday for 2 1/2 more hours! So here's my Not Me! Monday, just like MckMama. (Although I don't think she did one today, did she?!)
I really only have one, and it's not exactly going to get a laugh. But it's truth, and I'm living to tell about it.
My family and I spent this past weekend at the Ronald McDonald House, managing the house for a second time in the last six months. I did NOT work my butt off, washing dishes, preparing meals, making bed after bed, vaccuming rooms, chasing Little Man around while I did all of this with Girly Girl's great help for two days straight. I did NOT talk to a few families about why they were there as guests, and I did NOT swallow hard and hold back tears when talking to moms' about their preemie babies, hearing how they just simply wanted to hold them, but couldn't because they had just had surgery. I did NOT lay awake the first night, with my brain swimming in all kinds of emotions, reliving my own story that had us living at the RMH as guests. I did NOT rock Little Man to sleep in a rocker that was exactly like all the rockers in most of the rooms, remembering how a year and a half ago, I sat there every two hours, pumping milk for my precious 4 pounder, 1/4 mile away, lying in an isolette with wires and beeping monitors as his night time lullaby. I did NOT pray lots of prayers to my Heavenly Father, and I did NOT thank Him over and over for being able to be at the House, on the "other side of the fence", giving back something that was so nice to have when we needed it: Safety....Love....Care....Kindness.
So that's my Not Me. I'll be back next week with all the funny oh-no-I-didn't Not Me's!

God Bless you Lisa for doing what you do!
ReplyDeleteThis was a great change from the usual Not Me Mondays. Thanks for sharing, Lisa.