Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Where did she go?

Girly Girl is gone. Yep, gone. Not here. Absent. Away. Removed. Missing........MISSED!!!  Our small christian school does something called "Outdoor School" every September. Grades 5-8 went to our church's youth camp, Camp Lawroweld for 4 days and 3 nights. She left yesterday afternoon and won't be home until Friday. I miss her!! Sniff sniff. It is too quiet here. Too many boys!! I miss the automatic help at supper time, the "how do you think my hair looks?" questions, and that special time we share each night talking about her day.

She was so excited to go. They go and stay in a beautiful Lodge and she is in the group that is studying ponds/lakes. There is a beautiful lake there too. They do different projects, keep a journal, play games, worship together, and see how wonderful God is, and become thankful for his Second Book, Nature!

I can't wait for her to come home though. We have a surprise for her. I'm not going to tell you right now either. :) I want to wait until I have a picture to post of our "surprise". No, no baby, just in case some of you have already jumped to that idea! Watch closely, maybe I"ll post tonight......  hehe.   :)

1 comment:

  1. Surprises are always good....

    Hope she's having a ball while she's gone. =0)

    Hope you're having a great Thursday!


I'm at Home, so stop and say Hi!


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