Monday, September 21, 2009

Music Monday

Over at my friend Tara's Blog she has started a McLinky. What music moves you today? Maybe it's your heart that is moved, maybe it's your feet! Does music speak to you? Visit Tara, and join her McLinky, and tell us what song moves you today! Here is mine...

I heard this song on the way home from school last Tuesday evening. Have you ever felt like the words from a song are exactly what you've got going on inside of you? I did. I've been listening to it a lot over the last week, and I want to buy the performance track and sing it in church. I do that occasionally! Enjoy the song.


  1. So glad you joined me this week and that song is beautiful! Thanks for sharing and I'm sure you'd do a great job singing that at church.

  2. Hey, you mentioned that you haven't found any other bloggers in Maine? Well, the ones I spot aren't from around this area. I'm not seeing them and thinking it's really them. I just see look-alikes and think of my bloggy friends.

    I know - I'm such a dork!

    Erica =0)


I'm at Home, so stop and say Hi!


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