He's taller than me, and thinks its funny.
When did this happen?
He does his own laundry, folds it and puts it away.
When did this happen?
He knows more about computers, codes, gigabytes and operating systems than me.
When did this happen?
He knows when he's tired and needs to go to bed.
When did this happen?
He cooks grill cheese sandwiches all by himself.
When did this happen?
He irons his church clothes and talks about how participating in communion is "neat".
When did this happen?
He pushes the grocery cart instead of riding in it.
When did this happen?
He mows the lawn, takes out the garbage and fixes things.
When did this happen?
He talks much deeper and mistakenly gets called his dad's name.
When did this happen?
He has summer jobs and pays tithe.
When did this happen?
When did my little boy that used to say "bull-da-bozer" grow up?
Where did the little man that used to put on my lipstick when I wasn't looking go?
How did he grow from a 2 foot little person into a 5' 10" young man?
What happened to the baby that said Mommy until he turned 6?
When did this happen?
Sounds like you've done a great job raising him. Be proud!