Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hiya bloggy pals.

Today is such a NOTHING day! I have been up since 7am, and this is exactly what I have done:
changed a diaper, had two cups of coffee, made toast and fruit for Little Man, ate a piece of coffee pineapple cake, watched "Night At The Museum 2" with the fam, facebooked, changed up my blog, did some exercises for my leg (a post will follow soon on my wonderful sciatica), and that's it! It's 11am now, and I guess I should put Little Man down for a nap, and then get on getting the tree out. We usually leave it up a little longer, but this tree, for some reason, did not drink water really, so it is very dry. And with a wood stove in the room (probably why I have a dry tree, huh) it spells danger. Plus, it's VERY crowded in here! Too much stuff.
Had a great Christmas, three days of it.....ahhhh.....thus why I am doing nothing today! This week consists of helping the kids with homework. Lots of it. I didn't send them to school during the last week before vacation, because our little school was just so plagued with sickness. Nothing really major, just lots of snot! And I wanted healthy kids for the holidays. So, we kept them out and got their assignments.
The DiSH is going to go out and look for a job this week too. The self-employed carpenter thing just isn't happening. And it's not due to him not advertising and trying to drum up business. No one is needing anything built! So there are a few options, and hopefully something works out soon. I know it's in God's hands. I'm really trying not to be worried, trust Him, but also do my part.
Christmas pics will follow soon! I took a GREAT one of Little Man that is going to be his 2 year pic.
Gotta go for now!!
Have a great last week of December!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa!
    I love the new blog look! Its so pretty~Also, I will be praying for your family...and wishing your husband good luck with job hunting! Keep us posted! Take your time getting over the holidays, it may take me a while too!


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